MEng Engineering Acoustics


Le Mans Université Post-Graduate Engineering School (ENSIM) trains future engineers for 5 years in two fields (vibrations, acoustics and sensors and computer science) with an integrated preparatory cycle. The ENSIM aims to develop complementary skills and careers through these two specialisations in the same school.


Targeted skills

  • Master NDT&E methods used in industrial settings
  • Perform tests and trials
  • Carry out signal and image processing
  • Analyse results and determine necessary adjustments to products and structures
  • Perform technical inspections
  • Manage NDT&E projects



Training is available to all candidates in basic or continuing education as a block-release course with an apprenticeship contract.



Candidates must hold a Technical Diploma, Higher Technical Diploma or equivalent qualification to apply for this course.  An accreditation scheme is also available for those who can demonstrate that all or part of the course contents have been obtained through previous work experience.